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in Los Angeles/Study English

[12] Meet Up ESL Class + 글쓰기

Meet Up에서 찾은 ESL(English as Second Language) Class는 정말 대박이었다.

* Meet Up이란? 아래 딩스의 설명 참고♥


사실 Meet Up에 대해서 이 만화를 보고 알게 되었고, 

약 9월 말 경에, 신랑이 마침 UCLA 바로 앞 Westwood에서 조만간 첫 만남을 갖는 모임을 찾아 주었다!

처음에는 뭔가 두려워하면서 찾아갔다.

미국 땅에서 아예 낯선 사람과 만남을 가지기는 처음이라 많이 떨렸다.

모임은 어느 교회에서 이루어졌고, 관리자와 선생님은 정말 천사같은 분들이셨다.

게다가 원래 영어 교사로 일하시던 분이라, 정말 제대로 된 가르침을 받게 되었다.

매번 인원수도 바뀌는데, 꼬박꼬박 나오는 학생이 나 포함 세명, 그 외 간간히 한두명씩 더 오지만 꾸준히 오진 않는다.

(즉! 소수 정예라는 말! 아싸 좋구나 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ)

꾸준히 나오는 사람은 나와, 이쁘게 생긴 한국인 한분, 그리고 타이완에서 온 Han이라는 친구였고,

셋 다 남편이 UCLA 들어가서 LA에 왔단다 ㅋㅋㅋ 

의외의 공통점을 발견해 나름 보이지 않는 끈끈함이 생긴 것 같다.

어느 날 선생님께서, 첫 Essay 숙제를 내 주었다. 

주제는 LA에 어떻게 오게 되었는지, LA에서 가장 적응이 안되는 것은 무엇인지 등등이었다.

요런 글 쓰기는 나름 재밌는 것 같다.

Before getting married, I knew that my boyfriend wanted to go abroad for his study. At that time, I said, "It's cool! That will be fun. I want to go with you!". However, when I really had to decide to go abroad, it was not easy for me. I had a job in Korea. I had many friends and I didn't want to separate from my family. Deciding to come to this city, L.A. was exciting, but very sad. When I boarded the airplane, I was crying and crying.

The first day my husband and I came here, we were very embarrassed about everything. We thought that our apartment was supposed to provide high-speed Internet, and we could use it right away. But we were wrong. We had to go to a branch of TWC(Time Warner Cable), and register the Internet and TV. At that time, we didn't know the bus routes, and we couldn't use google maps, of course, we didn't have a car. We were completely distracted by packing for the move from Korea, so we didn't prepare for what we had to do here. Also, we were very frustrated because there was a bathroom in our apartment, but we didn't even have tissues! We suddenly laughed very loudly. It was a disaster, but a funny situation for us.

We went out to the Mac Donalds near our apartment, hoping to use a restroom and WiFi. We found out how to go to the branch of the TWC, but it was a very complicated route. Fortunately, my husband's friend lives near us, so he drove us to go to register the Internet. The most surprising thing about this city is the transportation system. After the first day, we faced many adventures to go anywhere. In Korea, the transportation system is very well organized and you can go anywhere through the bus or subway. In this city, we had to buy furnitures and other necessaries, but couldn't do that. Finally, we bought a car twelve days after arriving here!

I am still adapting to Los Angeles. It's not easy but a very new and exciting experience for me. Right now, the most important task for me is to study English hard. So, especially, I love the ESL class here. I still don't know whether I like to live here now, but I hope I will love L.A. Most of all, I do my best about all events, with an attitude that I can do it.


요새 영어 공부를 하면서 느낀건데,

나는 참 이상한 영어실력을 가지고 있는 듯..

학원에서 보면, 보통 학생들은, 일상적인 말을 잘 하는데 문법이나 단어 뜻을 모르는 경우가 많더라.

나는, 문법이나, 단어 뜻은 다 알겠는데

심지어 글로 쓰면 나름 잘 써지는데,

왜ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 스피킹이 안되는 건지 모르겠다. ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ 

수줍음이 아니라, 음, 순간 생각하는 능력이 부족한가?

아닌데? 순간 생각해서 글로 쓰면 잘 써지는데,

하긴, 말로 하면 더 빨리 생각해야하니까 아직 그러기엔 많이 늦은 건가?

아닌데? 말 하기 전에 충분히 생각할 시간을 가져도 생각이 안나는데?


아, ㅋㅋㅋ 모르겠다. 하다보면 되겠지 뭐 !!!!!!!!!!!

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